|about Bernhard Wilden| | study in China| |last stay at home| |last days of his life| |message about his death|

|Beijing Dec 06| |reactions| |recherche| |Beijing Nov/Dec 07| |meeting with PSB| |summary| |links|

Article in WELT AM SONNTAG 10 Feb 2008 (German)

Article on kath.net 4 Jan 2007(German)

Article in Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger 30 Dec 2006 (German)

Article in Neue Epoche 10 Jan 2007 (German)

Article in Epochtimes 12 May 2007 (Chinese)

about the pursecuted church in China: http://chinaaid.org (English and Chinese)

Your Catholic Voice: Chinas Crackdown on Christians (English)

Annual Report on Persecution of Chinese House Churches by Province From January 2006 to December 2006 - China Aid Association CAA - Januar 2007: http://chinaaid.org/pdf/2006_persecution_e.pdf:

CAA has compiled a set of statistics outlining, the number of arrests, the number of detentions (for over 10 days), and the number of imprisonments (for more than a year) that have been reported to them by reliable sources during 2006. Given the population the geographical size of China as well as the desire of Public Security Officials to keep such arrests hided from the outside world it would be impossible to measure the exact number that have occurred. As an example of this difficulty it should be noted that since these statistics were compiled an interview by an RFA reporter (http://www.rfa.org/mandarin/shenrubaodao/2007/01/16/zongjiao/) with a Christian lady detained named Liu Xiaoduo from 16th -17th January, has revealed that she came in contact with a group of more than 50 Christians during her detention. They had been arrested as a result of their Christmas celebrations on the 23rd and 24th December 2006. The presence of these Christians may never have been known if it was not for this interview.
